Changing Lives One Smile At A Time!

Switches and Default Gateways


Introduction to Routing We’ll start our walkthrough with a basic network and follow the decision-making process from the point of view of the host, then router. We’ll start with this iconfig output from our host PC. When a host sends a packet, there are two possibilities regarding the destination host. It’s on the same subnet […]

IP Addresses

When one host sends data to another, that data has both a MAC destination address and an IP address and an IP  destination ( Layer 2 destination and Layer 3 destination). Up to this point we’ve been working with L2 destination addresses as opposed to L3 destination. We’re now going to move up a layer […]

Port Security

The Enemies Within It’s easy to think about network security in terms of playing defense from attackers outside our network. Thing is, plenty of successful attacks have been launched from inside a network, utilizing seemingly innocent network services and protocols such as DHCP, ARP, CDP, Telnet, and even VLANs. Port Security A basic Cisco security […]


Trunking Switches ( And the VLANs that love them ) Trunking  is the process of creating a logical connection between two physically connected switches, allowing frames to flow between them. As you see, Switch 1 and 2  are connected with a cable (crossover cable) A tag indicating the destination VLAN is placed into the frame […]

Cisco Switch Config

Naming a VLAN With  “show vlan brief” , we’ll see all VLANs that we created earlier, plus VLAN32 which I just left empty. So we have a couple of empty VLANs here. We have ports 2 and 4 in VLAN24. We can give names to VLANs specially when we have lots of them because it […]

VLAN Tutorial

Why Do We Use VLAN?   Because they help us group hosts by department, security clearances, or any category, rather than being limited to geographic location. Because they are kind of a security feature and help you increase security by hiding a logical group of host away from everyone else and we can do that wit […]